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2016 2015 2014 2013
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000
1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987
Nemanja Markešević
Optical properties of DNA-hosted silver clusters
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2015 (available as link)
Dapeng Ding,
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with rare-earth ions in solids
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2015 (available as link)
Wang, Qiang,
Photon detection at subwavelength scales
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2015 (available as link)
Morten P Bakker,
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with quantum dots in microcavities
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2015 (available as link)
Jelmer J Renema,
The physics of nanowire superconducting single-photon detectors
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2015 (available as link)
Jan Willem Dalhuisen,
The Robinson congruence in electrodynamics and general relativity
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2014 (available as link)
Çiğdem Saime Yorulmaz,
Beyond Photon pairs
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2014 (available as link)
Philip Chimento,
Two-dimensional optics: Diffraction and dispersion of surface plasmons
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2013 (available as link)
Frerik van Beijnum,
Scattering, loss, and gain of surface plasmons
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2013 (available as link)
Jan Gudat,
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with quantum dots in microcavities
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2012 (available as link)
Joris Berkhout,
Fundamental methods to measure the orbital angular momentum of light
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2011 (available as link)
Henrique Di Lorenzo Pires,
Spatial coherence and entanglement of light
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2011 (available as link)
Bart-Jan Pors,
Entangling light in high dimensions (High-dimensional spatial entanglement in quantum information)
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2011 (available as link)
Wouter H. Peeters,
Two-photon interference (Spatial aspects of two-photon entanglement, diffraction, and scattering)
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2010 (available as link)
Steven J.M. Habraken,
Light with a twist (ray aspects in singular wave and quantum optics)
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2010 (available as link)
Eduard F.C. Driessen
Coupling Light to Periodic Nanostructures
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2009 (available as link)
Nikolay V. Kuzmin
Interference Effects with Surface Plasmons
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2008 (available as link)
Graciana Puentes
Classical and Quantum Scattering in Optical Systems
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2007 (available as pdf-file)
Thijs Klaassen
Imperfect Fabry-Perot resonators
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2006 (available as pdf-file)
Peter S.K. Lee
Quantum entanglement in polarization and space
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2006 (available as pdf-file)
Javier A. Loaiza
Experimental demonstration of the fractal nature of unstable-resonator modes
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2005 (available as pdf-file)
Jorrit Visser
Operator description of the dynamics of optical modes
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2005 (available as pdf-file)
Erwin Altewischer
Sub-wavelength hole arays, surface plasmons and quantum entanglement
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2005 (available as pdf-file)
Hayk L. Haroutyunyan
Coherent control of cold
atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates by light
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2004 (available as pdf-file)
Sumant R. Oemrawsingh
Optical dislocations and quantum entanglement
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2004 (available as pdf-file)
Jos Dingjan
Multi-mode optical resonators and wave chaos
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2003 (available as pdf-file)
Yngve Lien
Intensity dynamics of a slow-inversion laser
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2002 (available as pdf-file)
Steven van den Berg
Dynamics of polymer lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2002 (available as pdf-file)
Marnix B. Willemsen
Polarization fluctuations in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2001 (available as pdf-file)
Alexander M. van der Lee
Unraveling the mechanism of excess quantum noise
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2000.
Krista Joosten
Cavity losses and fluctuations of laser light
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 2000.
Frans E. van Dorsselaer
Quantum Trajectories
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1999.
Gerwin P. Karman
Singular Optics
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1999.
Eric W. M. van der Ham
Sum-frequency generation at interfaces: a study employing the Felix free-electron laser
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Rob F. M. Hendriks
Optically-pumped vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Harald van Kampen.
Optical properties of dense atomic vapours an experimental study
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Boris Nagels.
New light on nuclear spin conversion in molecules
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Paul M. Visser
Dark Atoms in Light Fields
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1998.
Martijn A. van Eijkelenborg.
Excess quantum noise in unstable-cavity lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1997.
S. K. Masalmeh.
A comparitive study of the low and high frequency characteristics of metal-insulator-metal diodes
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1997.
E. J. van Duijn.
Rotational state and molecular collisions
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1997.
A. K. Jansen van Doorn.
Symmetry breaking in vertical-cavity semiconductor lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1996.
M. W. Beijersbergen.
Phase singularities in optical beams
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1996.
D. Bouwmeester.
Quantum mechanics and classical optics
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1995.
S. J. M. Kuppens.
The quantum-limited laser linewidth explored in extreme regimes
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1995.
H. I. Bloemink.
Light-induced drift of simple molecules and astrophysical implications
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1993.
G. J. van der Meer.
Molecular collision processes studied by light-induced kinetic effects
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1992.
R. Centeno Neelen.
Passive and active optical ring cavities
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1992.
S. J. van Enk.
Light as a thermodynamic force
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1992.
R. J. C. Spreeuw.
Optical atoms
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1991.
M. C. de Lignie.
Light-induced drift of alkali atoms with monochromatic light
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1991.
W. A. Hamel.
Effect of outcoupling on the quantum-limited linewidth of a semiconductor laser
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1991.
F. Wittgrefe.
Light-induced drift of Rubidium and spectral properties of semiconductor lasers
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1990.
R. W. M. Hoogeveen.
Light-induced kinetic effects in molecular gases
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1990.
R. Horne.
On rotational polarization in non-equilibrium Knudsen gases
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1988.
R. J. van Oord.
Optical studies on the distribution function in a heat conducting gas
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1988.
H. G. C. Werij.
Light-induced drift of Na atoms
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1988.
J. Schlejen.
Spectroscopy of NaNa and NaHg diatomics in high pressure vapours
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1987.
J. E. M. Haverkort.
Light-induced drift of Na in noble gases: a realistic description
PhD thesis, Leiden University, 1987.