~~NOTOC~~ **[[http://qowiki.physics.leidenuniv.nl/website/qomembers?do=export_html|QO members]] • [[http://qowiki.physics.leidenuniv.nl/website/phd-theses?do=export_html|PhD theses]] • [[http://qowiki.physics.leidenuniv.nl/website/theses-student?do=export_html|Student theses]] • [[http://qowiki.physics.leidenuniv.nl/website/agenda?do=export_html|Agenda]]** ====== Leiden quantum optics members ====== ^ Name ^e-mail(s) ^ Room ^ Comment ^ |Henriette van Leeuwen |leeuwenh@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL809c |Secretary | |Dirk Bouwmeester |bouwmeester@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL922b | | |Michiel de Dood |dood@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL905 | | |Martin van Exter |exter@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL904 | | |Wolfgang Löffler |loeffler@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL906 | | |Gerard Nienhuis |nienhuis@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL916b|prof. emeritus | |Kier Heeck |heeck@physics.leidenuniv.nl |KOL |Electronics & mechanics expert | |Harmen van der Meer |meer@physics.leidenuniv.nl |EE031 | Technician fine mechanical department | |Felix Smits |smits@physics.leidenuniv.nl |909a |Researcher with Dirk| |Donny de Bruin |bruin@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL909c |PhD with Dirk | |Matteo Fisicaro |fisicaro@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL916c |PhD with Wolfgang | |Xinrui Wei |wei@physics.leidenuniv.nl |KOL |PhD with Dirk | |Tom van der Reep |reep@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL902 |Researcher with Wolfgang | |Leon Raabe |raabe@physics.leidenuniv.nl |KOL |PhD with Dirk | |Kirsten Kanneworff |kanneworff@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL916a |PhD with Wolfgang | |Luis Abalo |abalo@physics.leidenuniv.nl | |PhD with Marco | |Enrique Morell Salcedo |morell@physics.leidenuniv.nl |KOL |PhD with Dirk | |Erik Baalbergen |baalbergen@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL922b |PhD with Michiel | |Jacopo Piantanida Chiesa |piantanida@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL922b |PhD with Michiel| |Thomas Steenbergen |steenbergen@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL916c |PhD with Wolfgang| |Chunjiang He |he@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL909c |PhD with Martin | |Peyman Soltani |soltani@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL921b |postdoc with Michiel | | Jonah Post |post@physics.leidenuniv.nl|HL902 |PhD with Martin| ===== Alumni ====== ^ Name ^e-mail(s) ^ Graduation ^ Comment ^ |Petr Steindl | |Postdoc 2024 |postdoctoral researcher at CNRS | |Xing Chen |chen@physics.leidenuniv.nl | HL922b |PhD with Michiel | |Corné Koks |c.koks@physics.leidenuniv.nl |HL909c |PhD with Martin | |Petr Steindl | |PhD 2023 |postdoc at Leiden| |Vitaly Fedoseev | |PhD 2022 |MIT| |Vincent Kooi | |PhD 2021 | | |Lipeng Wan | |visiting PhD researcher |lecturer| |Jan Willem Dalhuisen | |Researcher with Dirk| | |Nelli Bossert | |PhD 2021 | | |Han Woerdman | | | |Sharafudeen K. N. | |Visiting researcher | |Henk Snijders | |PhD 2018 |quixquantum.com | |Flavio Mariani | |PhD 2018 |ESA | |Hedwig Eerkens | |PhD 2018 |VUmc | |Sven de Man | |Postdoc until 2018 |RiskQuest/DataQuest | |Frank Buters | |PhD 2018 | Schuberg Philis | |Chris Smiet | |PhD 2017| Swiss Plasma Center Lausanne | |Vasco Tenner | |PhD 2017 |ARCNL | |Nemanja Markesevic | | PhD 2015 | Institut Langevin, Paris | |Qiang Wang | wang@physik.uzh.ch | PhD 2015 | ETH Zurich | |Morten Bakker | | PhD 2015 | ASML | |Dapeng Ding | | PhD 2015 | Niels Bohr Kopenhagen | |Jelmer Renema | | PhD 2015 | Twente | |Saime Cigdem Yorulmaz | | PhD 2014 | Selçuk University | |Aura Mimosa Nugrowati | |Postdoc until 2013 |Shell | |Philip Chimento |Philip.chimento@gmail.com | PhD 2013 | | |Frerik van Beijnum | | PhD 2013 | TNO | |Jan Gudat | | PhD 2012 |Roland Berger | |Christian Bonato | | postdoc until 2012 | Heriott-Watt Edinburgh | |Joris Berkhout | | PhD 2011 | Quintel | |Henrique Di Lorenzo Pires | | PhD 2011 | UL-TS | |Lubisa Babic |lbabic@cosine.nl | PhD 2011 | Cosine | |Bart-Jan Pors |j.b.pors@gmail.com | PhD 2011 |UL-TS | |Wouter H. Peeters |whpeeters@gmail.com | PhD 2010 |Philips Research | |Steven J.M. Habraken |steven.habraken@gmail.com | PhD 2010 |Erasmus MC | |Michele Merano |michele.merano@unipd.it | Postdoc until 2010 |Padova University | |Nathaniel Hermosa | | postdoc until 2010 |Manila university | |Eduard F.C. Driessen | | PhD 2009 |CEA-Grenoble | |Jörg B. Götte | | Postdoc until 2009 |Glasgow university | |Nikolay V. Kuzmin | | PhD 2008 | | |Graciana Puentes | | PhD 2007 |Buenos Aires university | |Dirk Voigt | | postdoc until 2006 | QuTech/TNO | |Thijs Klaassen |klaassen.thijs@bcg.com | PhD 2006 |Boston Consulting Group | |Peter S.K. Lee |peter.lee@asml.com | PhD 2005 | ASML | |Javier A. Loaiza | | PhD 2005 | | |Jorrit Visser | | PhD 2005 |UMC Utrecht | |Erwin Altewischer |Erwin.Altewischer@philips.com | PhD 2005 |Philips Research | |Hayk L. Haroutyunyan | | PhD 2004 | | |Sumant R. Oemrawsingh | | PhD 2004 |ASML | |Jos Dingjan |dingjan@gmail.com | PhD 2003 |Airbus Defence and Space Netherlands | |Yngve Lien | | PhD 2002 |Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace, Norway | |Steven van den Berg | | PhD 2002 |Nederlands Meetinstituut (NMI) | |Marnix B. Willemsen  | | PhD 2001 |Philips Research | |Alexander M. van der Lee | | PhD 2000 | | |Krista Joosten  | | PhD 2000 |Nederlands Kankerinstituut | ==== Alumni other ===== See [[http://qowiki.physics.leidenuniv.nl/website/theses-student?do=export_html|Student theses]] for MSc/BSc students! ^ Name ^e-mail(s) ^Comment ^ |Yin Li|yinli@colby.edu, Li@Physics.LeidenUniv.nl |MSc 2018 with Michiel | |Sameer Sonar |sonar@physics.leidenuniv.nl|MSc 2018 with Wolfgang & Dirk | |Vsevolod Salakhutdinov ||Summer project 2012 with Wolfgang| Please send any comments to [[loeffler@physics.leidenuniv.nl|Wolfgang]]!